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10 Exotic Fruits In Medellín You Have To Try!

The amount of types of edible fruit to try is staggering, but for brevity purposes we have selected 10 very popular fruits that any visitor must absolutely try when in the city.

4 Steps for Fun in Medellin

There are tons of things to do in Medellin, instead of writing out a long list of things to do we decided to just 4 essential things one can do to have a joyful stay in Medellin.

Conventions And Special Events: Medellin’s Big Economic Driver

A few years ago the economy of “the city of eternal springâ€, as Medellin is also known, was driven by industry. Today, we have a completely different situation: Business tourism, fairs and events are the new engines moving the GDP […]

Bachelor Apartments in Medellin

Most people think that three-bedroom bachelor apartments in Medellin are too much for a single person.

Studying Spanish in Medellin

Studying Spanish in Medellin You’ve just booked your flight to Medellin, Colombia; the City of Eternal Spring. Visiting Medellin is a great experience, and to make things easier for you it would be wise to know Spanish; even it if […]

Investing in Colombia

Colombia is no longer the dangerous and threatening country people used to read about in newspapers or see on TV news. The country is on a direct path to transforming itself into an inviting travel destination for foreigners from around […]

An Impending Bubble in Medellin Real Estate?

As an increasingly bigger number of visitors, investors and business people arrive in Colombia and see the all of the countless new constructions happening all over the place, one of the first questions everyone asks is, “is there overbuilding in […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Property in Colombia

If you are reading this, it probably means that you are looking to buy property in Colombia. Maybe you’ve visited the country once or twice, maybe…

  • A couple of bikes are parked in front of a building

Cafes in El Poblado

El Poblado has become the headquarters of cafes in El Poblado. All of our apartments in Medellin are a short walk to the nearby cafes in El Poblado.

El Tesoro Parque Comercial

All of our apartments in Medellin are a short taxi ride to El Tesoro Parque Comercial. Feel free to contact us if you want more information about apartments in Medellin.